
Showing posts from September, 2023

Are You Broke?

My husband  and I are preparing to take our annual weekend trip to a Renaissance festival. My husband and I go all out with costumes and everything. My son had asked me what kind of currency they accepted at a Renaissance festival. I told him that cash and cards were still a thing there. The difference is that you bought turkey legs and cider. This got me thinking about currency in Heaven. What if the only currency in Heaven you had was what you did for God on Earth. Would your bank account be overflowing with all you did for God, or would you be the poorest person in Heaven? I challenge you to do all you can to help others, show God's love, and share His goodness. It may not show up in a bank account, but it will be rewarded one day.  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!

Feeling Overwhelmed?

  The last few weeks have been crazy in my life. It seemed that every aspect of my life had something going on. As a pastor's wife, I know the words to say,  but I still battle . This weekend, there was a ladies' event that my ladies' group had decided to attend. We were meeting at a certain time, so if course, I was running late on leaving at work. I rushed home to find something to eat quickly. My husband offered his imitation crab meat. Normally, I don't choose that as my first option, but I hadn't eaten anything since a bar for breakfast. Imitation crab meat it was. I arrived at the church to wait, and the rumbling began. Before long, I became overwhelmed with stomach pain. I wasn't able to make it. I did cover myself and laid miserably in bed. I was overwhelmed in pain. This morning, the word overwhelmed came up in church service. Are you feeling overwhelmed? I looked up the definition of the word overwhelmed . It means to bury or drown beneath a large ma

I Can Make It Fit

  My husband has a special talent for fitting a room full of luggage in a tiny car trunk. It's like watching a master playing Jinga. However, fitting dishes in a dishwasher or a cabinet becomes a whole different matter. I stand amazed at watching 30 bags of all sizes crammed into my car, but there are only 10 dishes in the dishwasher. When I ask why run the load with only a few dishes, I get the response that the others wouldn't fit.  In my mind, it's a simple task of sorting from biggest to smallest. Now, I don't know if this is a noticeable difference between females and males, or if it's just a difference between my husband and I. I know that I am determined to do as few loads of dishes as possible, and I don't want to hand wash the dishes, so I make them fit. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we are determined. What if we were determined to love others no matter what has happened or how they treat us? What if we determined to be faithful to God


  My husband made a thought-provoking statement in church this morning. "Without the fear of the Lord, all we're left with is fear." I grew up in a fairly conservative church for my early years. We didn't watch a lot of television, but it wasn't completely omitted. There was one time that my parents told me to go to bed, so I did what every young child does. I pretended to be asleep, and then snuck in to peek at the movie they were watching. I only saw a snippet of the movie, but had nightmares for weeks after. Of course, I couldn't come clean about why I was having nightmares, but I had a healthy dose of dislike for scary movies. I still do. I would much prefer to laugh than be afraid. I've even quoted the scripture, 2 Timothy 1:7  For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. NKJV       I would tell my kids that if God didn't give you a spirit of fear, why are you trying to bring something God didn't gi