
Showing posts from February, 2024

Snacks Are My Love Language

  My church held it's first marriage retreat this weekend. As we watched videos and heard testimonies, the question was presented, "What is love?" One of the responses really stood out to me. 1 Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter. It's used in a lot of weddings, but it's not always followed in marriages.  1 Corinthians 13:4   Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant   5  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; [ b ]   6  it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.   7  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. The comment that struck me as both challenging and thought-provoking was to replace the word "love" or "it" when referring to love with your name and read this passage again. (Insert your name here) is  patient and kind; (Insert your name here) does not envy or boast..etc. The challenge is that after

Chased by a Skunk

You may not know this little fact, but my neighborhood attracts a lot of skunks. It's probably because we are almost out of town and bordering a large section of woods. Normally, when I venture out at night, I'm very vigilant in spotting any stinky offenders. Last night, I realized late that I had forgotten my Kindle in my car, so I decided to make a quick run to my car. Keep in mind, I'm decked out in my Fashion-geesta pajamas. Yes, they are elegant PJs covered in fashionably clothed geese. Being cold and me being less than fashionably dressed, I moved quickly without taking much note of my surroundings. That is until I beeped my car locked. At that point, I looked across the street to my neighbor's well-lit carport. Among his various clutter, there was a small black creature with a thick white stripe. A skunk! At this moment, I finally focused in on the pungent odor waifting through the air. We made eye contact. How do I know we made eye contact you ask? Because at t

A Night to Shine

 I got the privilege to participate in Night to Shine sponsored by the Tim Tebo Foundation. Night to Shine is a special needs prom/ball for all ages. My husband and I  were contacted the night before to see if we could be buddies for two of the guests. I wasn't sure what to expect but was excited to help out. After squeezing into a dress that fit, I waited for my buddy. I had a sweet young lady that was afraid of loud sounds and flashes of light. She asked if I could hold her hand the whole time. I told her, "Absolutely!" We lined up and were called to ride in the limousine provided. My buddy mentioned she had never gone for a ride in a limo, so she was very excited. They filled the limo with guests and buddies and told me they thought they could fit two more. The two on the back seat scooted enough for my buddy to sit, but I noticed a dilemma. There was a three inch spot of seat left by the door. I, however, do not have a three-inch rear-end. The limo driver and I excha

One Big Assumption

 I've noticed a couple of things as I get older. The first is that no matter how cool it is around me, when a hot flash hits it's never cool enough! This morning, I found myself sweating while wearing a sleeveless dress. As I watched everyone around me, they were shivering and clutching blankets and coats just to stay warm. The next thing I noticed is that my memory is spotty. While at work last week on Monday, I told my coworkers that my coffee mug, always kept behind my desk on a shelf, was missing. I searched through my file cabinet drawers and all around our break area, but I found no evidence of the cup. I then began to question who would take my cup. Had it fallen off the shelf and gotten broke by accident? Maybe whoever broke it threw it away. Or had someone borrowed the sarcastic mug that said, " I love to stay and chat but I'd be lying. " We had noticed strange logins on our computers, so maybe whoever had logged in borrowed the mug. The week continued