
Showing posts from April, 2018

Mom, I Need a Parakeet, Science Fair Project, and Fifty Snacks for Tomorrow!

For all of you out there that are parents, you have almost made it!  We are entering the home stretch of the last few weeks of school.   This means there is a race to finish all school assignments, projects, and extracurricular activities.  An average week may be visiting a choir concert, watching a baseball game, attending a fundraiser bbq, and showing a cow.  Some I have done, others I have not.  But parents everywhere unite in the anthem of "School's Out For Summer!"  Yes, my children may be home more and we may go through more food than the zoo, but at least I can finally breath knowing that projects are not due the next day.  Why is it that your children only remember that special projects are due the next day, and only after all stores have closed for the evening?   "Mom, I need to sew a life-sized pirate flag for history to celebrate an obscure pirate from 500 years ago."  Yes, that one actually happened. My pirate flag rocked!  "Mom, I need a mura

To Young Women Everywhere...

I experienced a proud momma moment this weekend.  My son took a young lady from a neighboring school to her high school prom on Saturday.  As his date was dropped off, I did what any mother in my place would do.  I took a ridiculous amount of photos of the two of them.  Why do people always feel the need to have others pose in front of a tree?  I'm not sure why, but nature beckoned and the tree photo happened.  After pictures were done and my son was properly cautioned on driving responsibly, I went back into the house.  Little did he know I was actually spying on him through the screen door. That was when the moment happened.  I watched my son open the door for his date and help her into the car.  I've spent years trying to instill gentlemanly manners into my boys.  At that moment, I was proud to see all of my lectures producing fruit.  This had me thinking.  How many girls settle for being treated like a piece of meat or trash because they don't know there are good guys

I'm Buried In Laundry!

Have you ever felt like some kind of crafty genie is working his crazy magic in your home; however, instead of answering your wishes, he is creating an unimaginable amount of laundry that appears out of nowhere?  Any parent knows that this time of year means busy.  You have baseball season, end of the year testing, band concerts, prom, tournaments.  It all equals to no time to do one of the most important jobs that needs to be done in a home- laundry.   At first, you think that you'll just let those couple of loads slide.  You'll catch them at a more convenient time.  And then, before you know it, there are mounds of clothes filling every corner of your home.  Then it becomes a scavenger hunt for that special club shirt your child needs for pictures or that uniform for a tournament.  This weekend, I bit the bullet and started doing laundry.  As I crawled on all fours, peeking under beds for missing socks and looking under couches for shorts, I started to get a little frustrat

When God's Will Wasn't What You Thought It Would Be...

This weekend, I spent the day at ASU Beebee watching my son compete in State Quiz Bowl.  They entered the competition in second place dominating the competition.  I watched my son answer questions with ease.  Everyone thought they would make it to the final televised run-off with no problem.  I prayed before hand that my son would do well, and my prayers were being answered.  But then after lunch, things changed.  They beat the first team easily in the elimination round.  Nothing was out of the ordinary.  Then it was time to play the next team.  This next team was an underdog team.  They had entered the competition in 6th place.  We had beat them in the past, and it was amazing that they had made it past the last competition to play our team.  As we played, they wouldn't give up.  The competition became close until they ended the game tied.  They did a best of five heat.  They ended that with a tie.  We were in unprecedented territory.  The deciding factor of who would go to the

And Still He Came...(Celebrating Easter)

Today, families all over America celebrated Easter.  Many joined together to eat, hunt eggs, and catch up.  Some attended Sunrise services while others dressed in finery to attend elaborate productions.  But no matter what you did, people across America paused in their busyness to think about something more than themselves.  A person asked me earlier in the week about the book of Genesis.  She said, "Is Genesis basically about God creating the Earth?"  I responded that it was more than that.  It was the beginning of a great story of how man failed, but even though it was thousands of years before the birth of Christ, God was already making a plan for bringing man back to Him.  God has always been about redemption.  One of the most annoying things my husband would make us do was collecting cans.  We had decided to do this several years ago for Speed the Light/missions.  We would gather these nasty, sticky cans and have them sitting around our lawn as an eyesore.  Then when t