
Showing posts from May, 2018

Foreclosing on My Son's Legos?

If anyone has dared to venture to Walmart, they can easily recognize the signs of an upcoming holiday.  The parking lot is full all the way out to the road.  People of all ages are pushing carts very slowly down aisles loaded with sodas, chips, and hot dog buns.  And gas prices are sky-rocketing to ridiculous highs to accommodate for all of one's travel needs.  Stores have begun to advertise special holiday sales, so it must be a holiday, right?  Does any of this ever make you tired of what our country's holidays have become?  We are preparing to celebrate Memorial Day.  It's not just a holiday that gives the bank's a right to be closed and stores a right to have a sale.  So what do we memorialize in this day and age?   If we were to go on the streets and ask your average teenager what is Memorial Day about, could they answer correctly?  Could we answer correctly?  This morning, my husband preached a sermon about the poppy flower that all of the VFW members give out a

God Can Use Cake Pops?

Ever seen the show "Nailed It" on Netflix?  Bad bakers try to copy professionals and fail in a large way.  This show inspired me to create a ladies "Nailed It" competition at my church.  The night before the competition, I discovered that I might have bit off more than I could chew.  I cooked lunch for 20-25 ladies, made cakes for the cake pop competition, and gathered all the cooking materials needed.  At midnight, I still hadn't started decorating the cake pops planned for the next day.  I had chosen pictures for the women to look at for their model, but I still wanted to make a copy myself to allow myself ideas to help the women if they struggled.  Midnight is not the best time to do anything important.   1.You get cranky.  2. You get sloppy.  3. Things go wrong because of #1 and #2.  My first cake ball was a little gum ball machine.  I added shortening to the melted candy wafers to allow the mix to be smoother.  You can guess what happened.  I added too mu

The Mommy Bag (Mother's Day Essential)

How many ladies would say that if you look in a woman’s purse, you get a glimpse of whom she is.  As young guys, no one wants to carry “the purse” it holds all kinds of secrets.  Mysteries no man should know.  As the guy becomes husband, he carries the purse with a protective instinct.  His money is there, and he will guard it with his life.  As a child, I would see the purse like a happy meal I never knew what great treasures were in it, but I wanted to see.  It changes as your child grows. Babies… It doubles as diaper bag.  Baby bottles, wipes,diapers.  If you forget one of those important things, you will have to get really creative with improvising.  A t-shirt, a roll of toilet paper wrapped around the baby’s bottom. Toddler… Still a bottle, wipes, and diapers, but we have progressed to snacks.  Cheerios, cookies, or anything else we can shove into their mouths to get them to be quiet when in public and keep tranquility in place.  Maybe even a toy. Young child…We are

My Office Chair Punched Me in the Nose...One of Those Days (True Story)

Ever have one of those days...a day when things just go wrong, no matter how good you imagined it would be?  Last Friday at work, I woke knowing that I would have an amazing day.  It was going to be one of those days where I randomly break out in a song and dance number like on a Disney movie.  Sweet little birds were going to land on my shoulder while people handed me bouquets of flowers and wrote poems of my awesomeness.  Alas, my day did not go like that.  Instead, I found myself sleeping a smidge too long, so I started the day rushing to get dressed, take care of the pets, and make breakfast.  As I started breakfast, I realized I had forgotten to buy breakfast for the kids, so foraging began.  I dug through the freezer until I found some freezer-burnt waffles.  My children stared at their plates as though I had offered them grub worms and bark.  I began to load my kids in the car to take them to school only to hear them say, "I can't find..."  You can fill in th