Taxes and Trust

It's that time of year again. Tax time! From the time I worked at H & R Block doing taxes, until now when I only handle my family's taxes, tax time has always been a busy time for me. I started with just my taxes, and have quickly moved to doing my teenagers' taxes also. Most people dread this time of year, but I actually don't mind it. Throughout the past year, I collect receipts, statements, and W-2's in preparation for the big day when itemizing begins. Because my husband and I are considered self-employed as pastors, there is a lot of balancing expenditures for ministry versus income. It takes time and keeping track of everything we've spent over the last year and why. If it wasn't connected with ministry or housing, we can't claim it. This is why I keep a detailed list of everything . It makes me think of Revelations. The last book in the Bible mentions that God keeps track of everything we have do...