
Showing posts from February, 2021

Graves Into Gardens

  We attempted to play the song, Graves Into Gardens , today at church.  You need to understand that as a piano player, the key in which this song is written is really hard to play.  After four weeks of practicing, ranting, and sweating, I finally decided to bite the bullet and just do it whether it sounded great or not.   As I was playing the song, I started thinking about God turning graves into gardens.  Death into life.  Then I thought about a certain garden, Gethsemane.  As Jesus was in this garden praying, he was battling His will with God's.  He asked if there was any other way for the world to be saved.  But He eventually came to a point of peace by saying, " Not my will but thine be done ."  Jesus buried His will and accepted God's will. The garden became a grave.  Jesus was crucified on the cross so that our sins and wrongs could be made right.  So that we would one day have the right to enter into the presence of God.  It seemed there was no longer a garde

Snow Day

  Over 70% of the nation had the momentous occurrence of being covered in snow simultaneously.   I remembered as a child loving snow days.  Way back then, they were true snow days.  There were no digital days because the digital/internet era had not become a thing yet.  We would pray for snow and then rejoice as the first inch of snow fell from sky.  We would throw on coats and gloves and rush to build a snowman, sled down our neighbor's big hill on whatever we could find that was slick, and come inside to immerse our freezing hands in lukewarm water until feeling had returned.  We would eat a big bowl of snow ice cream and snuggle in to watch whatever happened to be playing on the six channels we could get on television.  Life was simple.   Although life has become much more complicated, it's nice to see that some things remain the same.  Although my children did not get an official "snow day" due to virtual/digital school, they still rushed outside to play in the s

True Love

  Valentine's Day has become one of the most commercial holidays out there.  I wanted to do something better than the typical candy for my husband, so I had to get creative.   I recalled many of our conversations over the years.  They went a little like this: "Where do you want to eat?" My answer, "I don't know.  You decide." "Pizza?" "No, I don't want pizza." "Mexican?" "No, I don't want Mexican." "Chinese?" "No, I don't want that either." "Then where would you like to eat?" "I don't know.  Just pick something."  This little dialogue has happened so many times in our marriage that my husband has threatened to open a restaurant called I Don't Know, You Decide .  This led me to the perfect gift- food dice.  I took some wooden dice and wrote different food genres on them.  Instead of asking where to eat, we roll the dice and drive .  Valentine's Day takes m

Making All Things New

 First, I need to say that I am not a crafty person.  I appreciate the skills and abilities crafters possess, but it doesn't come easy for me.  This leads me to talk about my project.  I have the most uncomfortable living room chairs, according to my husband.  They were somewhat comfortable when I first bought them, but through the years, the springs have popped and the "leather" has begun to flake off on the unfortunate people who sit on them.  My answer to this was to buy furniture covers off of Amazon.  They looked great on the website, but looked like my chairs were swaddled in a big snuggy in reality.  Because of this, I felt inspiration when I discovered this glider rocker in Goodwill.  It sat great and only needed a simple cushion recover.  "Piece of cake.  No problem."  I thought.  Keep in mind that I am not an excellent seamstress.  I don't have the patience needed to be meticulous when sewing.  I just whip it together and hope it looks okay.  I