
Showing posts from April, 2021

As Time Passes By...

  Have you noticed how things have changed over the years?   My youngest son mentioned he was asked at school to start thinking about future careers.  He told me, "I'm just a junior!  I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life!"  We brain-stormed jobs and thought about his interests.  We ruled out playing video games and living at home with us for his entire life.   Or should I say, I nixed that choice.  This got me thinking about jobs that no longer exist.  Remember the gas station attendant?   This was my brother's first job when he was a teenager.  You could get your gas, your windows cleaned, and your fluids topped off if you asked for it.  How about the grocery store food sacker?   There is one store locally that still offers this service, but unless you buy curbside, it is becoming a thing of the past.  These jobs turned my thoughts toward courtesy.  They represented serving others.  As our world gets so busy, it's easy to get focused on al

From Beaming Myself With a 2 x 4 to Prom...

  This week has been loaded with the craziest stuff!  My daughter and I were preparing for upcoming prom, so we made a trip to Walmart to get some last minute things earlier in the week.  As we walked through the parking lot, I  had turned toward my daughter discussing something a teenager would talk about when I felt something slam into the side of my head!   Was I attacked by an intruder?  Hit by a stray flying object?  Beamed by falling debris from an airplane?  All of those things would have given a really great story.  I don't have any of those answers.  I know, you're wondering what happened.  Here's the thing.  I'm missing some peripheral vision on my right side, so I have a slight blind spot.  As I turned toward my daughter, I failed to see the massive old 2 x 4 board sticking out of a person's truck in the parking lot.   When I turned back. I slammed myself into the board which collided with my right temple.  I staggered, saw a few stars, and definitely f

When It Rains It Pours (Getting Packages Delivered)

  Have you ever noticed when you need an important package delivered, it deluge of rain seems to come out of no where?  Once when we were ordering a huge package of paper towels for the church, they arrived at the same time as a huge storm.  Our delivery person was nice enough to put them under the edge of our front step covering, right where the water drains.  We had a mushy box filled with water-logged paper towels.  At least we knew the paper towels were super-absorbent.  My daughters are nearing the day of their graduation, so we ordered their expensive graduation cards.  I was excited to see the results of a lot of designing.  I got the notification that the cards were delivered on my doorstep.  Guess what other notification was sent.  If you guessed a notification for a severe storm, you were right.  My daughter called me from the parking lot of her school to inform me that large hail was pelting her car along with massive winds, lightening, and rain.  You will be glad to know sh

The Meaning of Easter

During this day and age, there is much question over truth.  I've heard many say, "This is not my truth" or "that is your truth."  During this Easter season, let me tell you the truth. You are valuable.  How do I know this?  Because Jesus obeyed God and died on the cross for you.   What if the world were made of only you?  Would Christ still die on the cross?  Absolutely.  When God set in motion the plan to redeem mankind and make a way for all mankind to be made holy so that we may enter into His presence, He saw mankind as a collective, but He also saw each individual person.  He saw you who are feeling alone and broken.   You who feels that no one could possibly love you.  You who feels that the world has turned their backs on you.  You who has been hurt and become jaded.  He saw each and every one of us and determined that He wanted you back!   As soon as Adam chose sin over God, God began to make a plan to get you back!  That is how desperately He loves