As Time Passes By...

Have you noticed how things have changed over the years? My youngest son mentioned he was asked at school to start thinking about future careers. He told me, "I'm just a junior! I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life!" We brain-stormed jobs and thought about his interests. We ruled out playing video games and living at home with us for his entire life. Or should I say, I nixed that choice. This got me thinking about jobs that no longer exist. Remember the gas station attendant? This was my brother's first job when he was a teenager. You could get your gas, your windows cleaned, and your fluids topped off if you asked for it. How about the grocery store food sacker? There is one store locally that still offers this service, but unless you buy curbside, it is becoming a thing of the past. These jobs turned my thoughts toward courtesy. They represented serving others. As o...