Are you Afraid?

Let me begin by stating, I don't like scary movies. My kids think it's hilarious that I avoid all things scary. This wasn't always the case. When I was young, I remember sneaking into the living room when my parents thought I was asleep. I peeked in on a scary movie and had nightmares for weeks. Years later, I stayed at a friend's house and saw the movie, Chucky . This was an aweful idea for a girl who had shelves full of stuffed toys and dolls. I imagined beady, little doll eyes watching me for nights. As a teenager, I remembered the big sleepover of nonstop scary movies. Nightmares and paranoia creeped in for months. I came to the conclusion that I need to avoid scary movies. So I asked myself, "Why do peoples like to be scared?" I think one answer is the adrenaline high we get when we are scared, but there is one other answer. It is the intense sense of relief we feel when we find out we are okay. We survived. So here's the take-away from all of this....