Following God Is Like Buying a New Phone

I purchased my Christmas gift a little early this year. I finally upgraded phones, which I've been holding back on for a few years. I always dread having to learn how to use new technology. I try to look up a recipe for cookies and find myself ordering giraffe pajamas by accident. My parents went so far as to specifically ask for flip phones. At one point, my mother's phone company mailed her a new phone because they would no longer support her old phone. My mother is very hesitant to use technology. My brother bought her a computer so she could be on Facebook. At one point, her account got hacked. She panicked, unplugged her computer, and packed it up. She said no one could hack her if she didn't use the computer. I thought about how our walk with Christ parallels using a phone. How many times do we refuse to step out of our comfort zones because we're not sure what will happen. Like being afraid of using technology because you're afraid you'll mess it up, we a...