
Showing posts from November, 2021

Following God Is Like Buying a New Phone

I purchased my Christmas gift a little early this year. I finally upgraded phones, which I've been holding back on for a few years. I always dread having to learn how to use new technology. I try to look up a recipe for cookies and find myself ordering giraffe pajamas by accident. My parents went so far as to specifically ask for flip phones. At one point, my mother's phone company mailed her a new phone because they would no longer support her old phone. My mother is very hesitant to use technology. My brother bought her a computer so she could be on Facebook. At one point, her account got hacked. She panicked, unplugged her computer, and packed it up. She said no one could hack her if she didn't use the computer. I thought about how our walk with Christ parallels using a phone. How many times do we refuse to step out of our comfort zones because we're not sure what will happen. Like being afraid of using technology because you're afraid you'll mess it up, we a

Turkey Candy?

Yes, you read correctly. As I shopped in Walgreens, I felt the pull of my sweet tooth directing me to the half-off Halloween candy aisle. Of course, all of the good candy had already disappeared, but I saw a bag that caught my interest. It was a turkey dinner in a bag of candy corn. Most would shy away from something so risky, but since I teach the youth group, I was all over it. A co-worker and I sampled the candy before youth group. How could you not try the Willy Wonka bubble gum? (Some of you may have gotten the Violet B. reference.) This is a spoiler alert. I'm going to give away the flavors. The green beans were not bad. Weird, but not bad. Cranberry was actually good. However, when we got to the turkey, something was off. It looked great, but it had a taste that didn't match the looks. The turkey dressing/stuffing had a horrendous taste that had us all running to the trash can. It looked good, but left a horrible after taste in your mouth. As a Christian, you can dress u

The Dragon Tattoo

 No, I did not get a real tattoo. This last week, a temporary coworker had finished her work, so we threw her a little party. She has joked about getting a dragon tattoo, so in honor of her, we all put on a temporary dragon tattoo. I've always said I'm too aversed to pain to get a real tattoo. As some friends were explaining the meanings of their tattoos, I said that if I ever got one, it would be a dot. And the meaning of my tattoo would be, "Owwww." The funny thing is that this whole week, I've sported this dragon because it won't come off. I've tried to prank my college kids telling them I got a tattoo. They know me too well. This made me think about being marked. Did you realize that we are marked? When we become a child of God, we are marked as His own. He wrote his name upon our hearts declaring us His own. When others see us, they see indications of His marking through our love, forgiveness, and obedience to His Word. So you may not see a dragon tat

A Sign on my Lawn From God

  My daughter is working on a special assignment for one of her college classes.  She needs to focus on one positive thing to add to her life daily in order to help her become motivated and productive.  In her research, she found that a study showed half of college students attending a two-year college dropped out after the first year due to lack of motivation.  She decided that she would use positive affirmation each morning.  The affirmations may be something like, "You've got this" or "You are smart enough to make it."  For her, she needed to begin the day focusing on the positives.   The next day after she told me about her assignment, I noticed my dog standing at attention.  He only does this if there's an animal in my yard, so I braced myself for barking and pulling on the leash.  Instead, I noticed something red blowing slightly in the breeze, yet sitting on my lawn.  As I approached, I saw a helium balloon that had gotten away from its' original