
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Greatest Gift You Received This Christmas

My family and I have a joke between us. My husband is known for waiting until the last minute to shop for me for Christmas. He says that it is because I ruin the surprise by either finding out what he bought me or buying the same thing he bought for myself. Let it be known that I do not snoop. You won't find me scampering through closets or shaking presents to figure out what he bought me. I've just read a lot of mystery books, so I can't help but pick up on clues. My daughter is carrying on this special talent by guessing what I got her for Christmas. This leaves my husband in a precarious situation- Walmart on Christmas Eve. That, my friend, is a true horror story. What my children and husband want more than anything is to know what I want for Christmas. This is what every person wants,whether they realize it or not, is time. As my whole family gathered together before Christmas for family photos, I felt joy listening to their interactions. Watching my family work togethe

It's all About Family- The Proposal

  This has been an exciting week for my family. My son proposed to his girlfriend of two years this weekend. He wrote a story of their history together using real pictures of them. On the last page, he had picture of him on his knee with the words "Will you marry me?" As I watched her read the special book and saw him take a knee, I couldn't help but get a little teary. It was a sweet, loving moment, but also a sign that my son was not my little boy anymore. He has now taken steps to start his own family. This made me think about Mary and Joseph from the Bible. We showed a musical movie this morning that I had written years ago. It was the premise of if Jesus were born today. Can you imagine the stress Mary and Joseph went through knowing that they were starting a family with so much struggle. Joseph needed great faith to believe God was involved in this birth. Mary had to be strong knowing so many would judge her. But most of all, when God was the center of their marriag

The Difference Between Jesus and Santa

Let me start this by saying that I know this is going to be a post that may stir some controversy. This is not meant to be a judgement between pro-Santa or no Santa. It is simply a statement of why we need to make sure that our focus stays foremost on Jesus this Christmas. 1 Santa brings lots of material things that break, go out of style, and are forgotten. Jesus brings the gift of eternal life that never ends. 2. Santa comes once a year. Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us. 3. Santa's gifts were made by the work of others- elves. Jesus' gifts  were given at the cost of His life that He freely gave for you. 4. Santa says if you work hard enough and do enough good deeds, you can be on the nice list. Jesus says that you can never be good enough. That's why His grace covers our sins and redeems us. 5. Santa only asks for milk and cookies. Jesus asks for everything. He wants all of you. So my question is, "What are you giving Jesus this Christmas?" Have a great week

Ornaments on my Tree

My children are growing up.  As they grow older, they gain not only independence, but also their own lives. It makes a parent run nostalgic about their childhood. As my children helped me decorate my house for this Christmas, I remembered memories behind different ornaments. One of the things I decided long ago was to buy my children a different ornament for every year. When they moved out, they would have enough ornaments for their own tree. As I examined them, memories came flooding back of moments when they chose the perfect ornament.  When they chose the basketball and high-heeled shoe to represent them, only to laugh at their choices years later. Those ornaments are symbols of change and growth. They journal the paths of who my children have become. So as I look at my ornaments, I enjoy these goofy, homemade ornaments because they will one day follow my children to their own homes. Their memories, however, will stay here forever. Have a great week high-heeled warriors.