
Showing posts from February, 2022

Hospital Stay- Letting God Heal the Source of Your Pain

 Many have read my husband's post earlier this week. He was admitted in the hospital due to pancreatitis. He is doing well and healing. This wasn't a sudden pain that came overnight. For the past few weeks, he was feeling pains in his back that were treated. Then came pain that mirrored acid reflux. They treated those symptoms. He was next treated for a slow colon. None of the treatments seemed to help . He finally went to the E.R. at 3 am. They looked at his treatment history of x-rays, ultrasounds, and medications and determined the next step was a CAT scan. Upon reading that scan, the source of weeks of pain was found and treatment was started. Healing could finally happen. Sometimes we feel emotional pain and try to relieve the symptoms to no avail. We work through our self-medications without ever getting to the source of our pain. When we look at the Samaritan woman at the well in the Bible (John 4), she had been abused, rejected by one man after another, and learned to

Botox By Dog

  Have you noticed the latest trends in beauty are large, bold eyebrows and plump lips. I've never been able to fit that mold. I was blessed with thin eyebrows and thin lips. I'm not a good enough artist to draw them on without looking like a clown. I've come to grips with being out of fashion. However, this week has been a weird week. I'm probably not the only one suffering from dry lips. A mix of high heat in buildings, cold wind outside, and masks holding the heat next to my mouth has resulted in a goofy look for me. I have the five-year-old licking their top lip all day look. You know the look. You look like you have a Kool aid mustache. I have been applying Chapstick, lip balm, bees' wax gloss, or anything else that will make my red mustache disappear. I realized that I look like a little girl trying to put on her mother's lipstick. I've been forced to apply it in a wide ring around my mouth. It looks like I missed my mouth! This was bad enough. Last n

Valentine's Day- Are You Just Not Feeling It?

I've spoken with a lot of people this week who've mentioned to me that they just can't get into Valentine's Day this year. Whether they are dealing with the loss of a loved one, anxiety, depression, or simply because they are alone, the idea of celebrating a holiday about flowers, food, and gifts given by a significant other just seems overwhelming. Maybe you fit into one of those areas today. I researched a little about Valentine's Day. Some say that the holiday encompasses the story of a priest named Valentine who was willing to give his life to marry couples when Emperor Claudius II banned marriages. He felt his soldiers would be stronger if they didn't have wives or children to worry about or distract. Valentine was beheaded for putting others lives and love for his brother above value for his own life. The Bible mentions that there is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for a brother. (John 15:13).  That's exactly what Jesus did on the cro

Hallmark Movies For Men Do Exist

  After being trapped inside for several days due to snow and ice, my husband and I discovered something. With little else to do, my family and I binged a lot of movies and television shows. I tend to lean toward action-adventure, rom-com, and murder-mystery genres, while my husband loves inspirational sports movies. After watching quite a few, I realized something. After all the joking from my husband about the predictability of my beloved Hallmark movies, I noticed that there is a version of men's Hallmark movies. Let me explain.  Hallmark movies are known for sticking to a pattern. A couple randomly meet. The main character might own a bakery, have something to do with dogs, be a decorator, or possibly a wedding planner. The guy is some type of clueless or ruthless business man. There may be a mistaken identity, conflict to destroy a business, or fight to save a quaint town. There is almost always a gazebo, cute village, dog park, ballroom, elevator, or snow globe. The point i