
Showing posts from August, 2022

My Obsession

  My husband came home yesterday and handed me a fashion magazine. He told me that his elderly father had this magazine delivered to his house. Now my ex-military father-in-law definitely is not the type to thumb through Elle magazine so my husband passed the magazine on to me. As I looked through the latest fashions, it provided entertainment for my family. One fashion statement was what appeared to be a floor-length hoodie made out of puffy coat material- think Back to the Future jacket meets moody teenage meets prom.   As we guffawed through each page of ridiculous fashion, my son asked if people actually bought this stuff. My answer was absolutely, if they are obsessed with the latest fashion. This had me thinking about obsession, not the perfume. As kids we were obsessed with the latest toys. I remember cutting out pictures from the Sears catalog to give hints at what I wanted for Christmas. I was obsessed with getting that gift. I would tell all my friends about it and encoura

God, Give Me a Sign

Today, I had the pleasure of moving one of my daughters back into her college dorm for her second year of college. As we were driving down, we noticed a random stop light in the middle of a national forest on the way to her college. The first time we encountered it, we thought how random it was to have something like a stop light in the middle of nowhere with little to no traffic. Of course, as we moved passed the sign, we saw the bridge ahead had one lane blocked as the highway crew were resurfacing the bridge. The bridge happened to be over a very popular floating/kayaking river and next to the only bathrooms on the river, thus, the stop light. Now, because the stop light makes no sense, we could choose to ignore the light, but once past, realize the light had a purpose to protect us from harm or miss-steps (in this case, miss-drives). How many times do we beg God for signs? "God, if you really want me to do this? Should I go here? Should I date or marry this person? Is what I&#

Pirates, Anyone?

First of all, I have not dyed my hair to black. Our church just finished up Vacation Bible School this week. Our theme was a Pirate Party Deep Sea Adventure, thus pirates everywhere! Anyone who knows me knows that I will dress up at the drop of a hat if it will reach people for Jesus. I've been a doctor, a CSI agent, a cowboy, a clown, a queen, a slew of Bible characters, a flamingo, and a Pirate just to name a few. There are so many that I can't remember them all. This character required a black wig and a hearty spirit me' mateys! I had several people tell me that it took them 15 to 20 minutes before they recognized who I was. There is something fun about being someone else. Maybe it is because you can leave your comfort zone and embrace who you've always wanted to be. I'm an introvert. Anyone who knows me knows I like to hide in the background and make things happen. Only those really close to me see the goofy, playful person. However, when the costumes go on, t

Twenty-five Years and Counting

  My husband and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last week! My husband decided to throw a surprise party for me last week to celebrate. If anyone knows me well, they know I am a murder/mystery buff, not the real stuff. I like the challenge of solving the mystery, not the actual act. My children refuse to watch mysteries with me because I solve it in the first five minutes. My husband says he refuses to buy my Christmas gifts until Christmas Eve because I find the gift or figure it out. I think the real reason is because he is a procrastinator. All this is to say I got the feeling that something hinky was going on. My son at college called my husband instead of me. This rarely happens. Then my husband responded that he would step out to speak to him- hinky. Next, my husband got a phone call and disappeared in the bathroom with a sudden need to use the restroom. I immediately heard the flushing of the toilet. I thought it was way too soon to be flushing. Every time we