
Showing posts from September, 2022

I Bought a Box of Brown Recluse Spiders!

  My ladies group at church attended a women's retreat this weekend. The retreat ran a thrift store closet as a fundraiser. As I perused the various gismos and gadgets, I noticed an instrument box tucked under a table. It was trombone box. The price sticker read "ten dollars." Now, I thought, "If this case has a real trombone in it, this is an amazing deal!" My son plays the trombone, so I knew it would be an awesome gift for him. As I unfastened the clasps, I held my breath. Once open, I confirmed that I deed it was a trombone in good shape. The problem was that I would need to wrestle the massive brown recluse spider and all of her babies for it. Some of you may not know that as a teenager, I was bitten on my leg by a brown recluse spider. As it began to change into a rainbow of purple, browns, and black, we thought my leg would go to the next step of rotting out. My mother took me to church and had ladies pray. The bite healed immediately without ever rott

You're in Good Hands

 I was involved in an accident a couple of weeks ago. As I was slowing down for a turn, a motorcyclist had looked away and, when he looked back, rear-ended me. My first concern was that the young man was okay. He had been thrown from his motorcycle. He got up, and after a period of time, said he was okay. The next step was getting the insurance information. After obtaining the accident report, I started the process of filing a claim with the man's insurance company. There was quite a bit of damage to the back of my car. The claim agent was very nice and courteous . I eventually received an email stating that I had gained a new claim agent, Jesus, pronounced "Haysus." He was Latino. Now, I thought about Allstate's motto, " You're in good hands with Allstate ." I thought, " I am in good hands because Jesus is handling my claim! " My husband even sang, "Jesus take the bill, take in from my hand..." I know that this is a funny thought,

Do You Recognize the Signs?

Everyone loves a good sign. As I was driving in my area, I noticed a sign for a yard sale. There were many signs around it, but this one stood out from all the others. The owner of the sign drew a pirate pointing in the direction of the sale with the title, "Yaaar Sale." A short drive later, there was another sign with a drawn Lionel Richie and the caption, "Hello, is it deals you're looking for?" I never made it to their yard sale, but I was very impressed with their signage. In today's society, good advertising is the key to a business gaining success or failure. Super Bowl ads are proof of this. We pay attention to the signs. Spiritually, are you paying attention to the signs? In Revelation, it mentions the signs of Jesus' return to Earth. There will be floods and famine at the same time. Wars and rumors of wars will be prevalent. People will be lovers of themselves and money more than God. The love of many will turn cold. Guys, the signs are getting

Don't Ask Me to Paint Your House

  I've mentioned that for the last seven months, my house has been a construction zone. When we started this journey, we thought there were a few soft spots in the floor. Once demolition was started, we quickly found that every floor joist in three-fourths of our two-story house needed replacing. We went through a season of nothing but a really big hole and dirt instead of a living room and kitchen. After digging down where the floor once stood and removing the wall separating the kitchen and living room, rewiring the first floor, and rebuilding the whole stairway, we come to the final leg of this construction. Our contractor told us to start our painting because the floors will be in soon. Now, I need to tell you that words cannot fully express my hatred for painting. I start out okay, but after twenty minutes, I begin to feel the stirrings of impatience. I begin to rush the process, and before you know it, I am slopping paint all over the place. The good news is that the floors