
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Best Gift Ever Given

  As many of you know, this has been a rather stressful holiday season. After battling pancreatitis for the second time, my husband was released from the hospital feeling better. The cause of the pancreatitis is still unknown, but we are thankful he moved past this obstacle. However, the unexpected stay in the "medical spa" as my husband likes to call it, left him with little time to Christmas shop. It is a personal joke between us that he always waits until Christmas Eve to shop for me anyway, mostly because he swears I either figure out what he has bought me or buy the gift for myself. This is only partially true. My daughter decided to get me a robot vacuum for Christmas. I had always wanted one, but didn't want to pay the price for said vacuum. For this reason, she felt secure in buying me the vacuum during holiday sales. However, she was flummoxed when she noticed a purchase in my Amazon cart for a robotic vacuum. I had seen a sale come across my Facebook feed for a

Back In the Hospital Again- How God Answered My Prayer Before I Prayed It

  If you're wondering, yes, my husband was back in the hospital with pancreatitis again. Friday morning, he started the day telling me his stomach was hurting. I thought with all the viruses going around, we might have the flu or a stomach virus visiting our home. By noon, he called to tell me he felt the same as the last time he had pancreatitis, and by 2 pm, he was admitted into the hospital. I knew that there was going to be quite a few things I would be handling on my own while he was in the hospital, but I didn't realize the big thing that was coming. While driving to the hospital to bring Kyle his toiletries, I received a call from my youngest son. He told me something had happened to his tire while driving to school for a band engagement, and he needed help changing the tire. I could hear steady traffic swishing past him in the background. When I asked him with dread where he was stopped, he answered what I most feared. He was on the side of the road a mere one to two fe

Try the New Maalox-flavored Frosty

  During holidays, I always get excited when seasonal flavors are released. Pumpkin spice, butter pecan, and peppermint are great flavors, but there have been some not-so- great flavors. One year, as I walked through Walmart, I noticed a bin that touted the statement, "newest gum flavors." Shoved in the gum  display box was a can of cream of chicken soup. That's a gum flavor I can do without. So when I noticed Wendy's latest frosty flavor, peppermint, I thought, "You can't go wrong with peppermint." However, I was wrong. The color was a Pretty Pretty Princess pink. As I tasted what I thought would be candy canes, I was shocked to taste a mint that took me back to stomach aches, gass, bloating, and diarrhea. Yes, the frosty had the exact flavor of Milk of Magnesia- Maalox to be precise. Now, we are living in a time of inflation. For this reason, I can't order something and then immediately throw it away, so I stomached through it, gagging occasiona

The Oddest Doctor's Visit

 If you read my blog last week, then you know that I had a bit of a fall moving a set of drawers from my son's dresser. They fell pretty hard across my hand leaving it quite swollen. After seven days, I had finally determined the swelling was not disappearing and the bruising covered my whole hand. I made an appointment for my doctor for Friday afternoon. The nurse's tech/CNA called my name, Everett. When asked if that was the correct pronunciation, I said no but that was okay. As she asked questions I knew she must be new. When we reached the part about medications I take, she asked if I still take I-Ron. With tilted head, confused eyes, I answered, "Yes, I take iron." I'm not sure if she has confused her geography with basic chemistry elements. Maybe she thought iron is pronounced like Iran because it's spelled similar. After the doctor entered and looked at my hand, he mentioned I needed it x-rayed. He then mentioned their x-ray machine was broken, and I