
Showing posts from January, 2023

To Snow or Not to Snow

Have you noticed how unpredictable the weather has become? Some say it correlates with climate change while others say it is a random occurrence. One of my coworkers has said that there is no way it was going to snow. Weather response- five inches of snow. Earlier this weekend, I walked around in a t-shirt. Today, I pulled out my parka as we prepare for an ice storm. What I've learned from all of this: my closet should always have a warm coat, flip-flops, t-shirt, heavy duty sweater, snow boots, and shorts all available because a flip-flops day could quickly result in Artic conditions by the end of the day. Isn't that the way we should be in our walk with God? In 2 Timothy 4:2, people are charged with being prepared to share God's Word because one never knows when circumstances will arise that require God's truth. You may be prepared for weather changes, but how prepared are you to encourage and help others who are hurting? Is your spiritual closet (your mind) packed

Troubles With Translate

  This weekend, I had the privilege of joining a ladies' tea at a local Spanish church. I am always a little bit hesitant to use my Spanish because I am out of practice and very rusty. I had three years of Spanish in high school, but no opportunity to speak it daily, so my vocabulary has dwindled away. This has left me challenged in times where I need to speak Spanish. While visiting Orlando a couple of years ago, we happened to discover a food truck park with 30 food trucks all with Latino inspiration. I thought I could get us through ordering, which I did, only to realize we had ordered $120 worth of seafood. Ouch! My next venture was in Puerto Rico last summer. I was wedged between two Spanish-speaking women who could not speak any English. They were very kind, and I managed to communicate, but it was tough. I had much better luck ordering from the food trucks there. This brings me to the tea. I thought I would guarantee success by using Google translate to fill in my vocabula

Why Are the Snakes Still Here?

  There's something you should know about me. I hate snakes. They give me the creeps, not so much with my husband. Since we have been married, he keeps finding snakes and bringing them home. A farmer called him once to give him a six-foot, egg-theiving black snake. My husband plopped him in an aquarium and welcomed him in our home. As I cleaned my son's room, I would stare into little beady eyes, telling that snake that I didn't like him. My husband was informed that if the snake escaped and wrapped around my legs while I was in the bathroom, both would regret it.  Later, our cat  noticed a lovely rat in the snake  cage. In catching a snack, she liberated the snake. I did not take the news well. One night, as we were watching television, my husband jumped up, running towards the bathroom. There, wrapping around the toilet, was the snake. Both had narrowly escaped my wrath. In today's sermon, my husband had shared from Numbers 21. The Israelites were wandering in the de

Making Room For You

  My dog loves squishing in beside me no matter where I am. At night, he'll stand by my bed like a toddler after a bad dream, staring at me. Then there is the gentle nudge with his paw. Nudge, nudge. If I don't respond, then I'll feel a nudge continually every two minutes until I acknowledge him, lift the covers, and let him climb in to be the little spoon. At this point, I am sandwiched between my dog and my husband in a contortionist pose that would impress acrobats and yoga enthusiasts everywhere. I relegated myself to this dog imposed sleeping arrangement long ago; however, it has begun to spread like a fungus to the other parts of my life. I was taking a shower at home, by myself, when the closed bathroom door flew open. I called out, "Kyle?" Nothing. Resigned that I would be facing a Psycho  moment, there sat my dog, watching me. It was like my children were young all over again and I was found in my bathroom eating a chocolate bar. There was no place I c

Road Trip

   As we neared the new year, all of my family, except for my oldest, loaded into my daughter's car to celebrate the new year in downtown Dallas, Texas. Every year college students  from around the South-Central area involved in the Christian college ministry, Chi Alpha, migrate to Dallas for a time of worship, inspirational teaching, and fellowship with other college students. We were excited to accompany my daughter, involved in the college ministry, my other daughter, and my high school senior. As we arrived, we met friends who surprised me with a birthday cake. Later, we were able to make contact with campus pastors that are currently at the campus where my husband and I once served. As we caught up, we found out that two of our former students were current friends and supporters of the campus pastors. Sometimes, you are unable to see the true difference you make until much later. All those years ago, I questioned the lasting impact we were making while on campus. We saw studen