
Showing posts from June, 2023

Cooking with Dawn (Soap)

  We've made it back from our RV vacation, and I've learned an important thing. I DON'T like living in a tiny house! It's all the rage right now, but I like a real shower/toilet. I like being able to sit in my house without being able to touch everyone in my family because they're 3 inches away from me. I like a big, real kitchen. About four days into our travels, I realized there was not enough room to do much of anything, and as I tried to cook dinner on my teeny, tiny kid's play stove, I discovered all the pots and pans were really big. I'm talking large enough to feed a family of eight. How was I supposed to fit three giant pans on a baby stove? As I shoved souvenirs, lamps (because our lights stopped working mid-trip), and everything else you would find in a junk drawer if we had one away, I realized there was not enough room to cook the complex meals we had originally planned. I tried to cook sweet and sour chicken and fried rice. The rice was cooke

What Makes a Good Father?

  Since it's Father's Day, I wanted to first shout out to my amazing father . I can honestly say there has never been a moment I have questioned his love and support. We didn't have a lot, but I had laughter as my dad created stories to make me giggle. I had affection and heard, "I love you" every day. Still hear it anytime I see him or talk to him. For this reason, my perception of a loving Heavenly Father remains in tact. All those things make a great dad,. Now, let's move on to the father of my children. I remember when all four of my children under the age of 6 years old got a stomach bug. Let's just say the stomach episodes alternated between each of them all night for two nights. My husband worked three jobs and attended seminary. He was busy and didn't get a lot of sleep anyway, but still took a night shift sleeping on the floor by the kids so I could rest. Move to the present. On our vacation, we visited Maine. It has been over 22 years since

Porta Potty Theology

  As many know, my family and I have been experiencing the great American RV road trip.  We've experienced the wonders of Lake Erie, rushing waters of Niagra Falls, the quiet splendor of Panther Lake in New Jersey, and the fast bustle of New York City. We've also experienced stinky septic systems, thrown breakers, black-outs, and a neurotic travelling pooch. As we are forced into small quarters, we have been forced to work through conflict and deal with personality quirks much quicker than when we were home and had the ability to storm off to another part of the house. Where would we storm- three feet away? The trip has overall been really good. We are continuing our journey on toward Maine for camping and hiking. One point of the trip really stuck out. As we crossed Massachusetts' state line, we stopped at a welcome center for bathroom stops. The welcome center was blocked off by chain-linked fence. To the side of the unwelcoming building was a long line of Porta Potti un

National Lampoon's RV Vacation

 As summer begins, my family prepares for our family vacation. We chose to take an RV vacation for my son's high school graduation. For my oldest son's high school graduation, we tent-camped from the Grand Tetons to Yellowstone to Mt. Rushmore. On the second day of that trip, a freak hail storm came through and flattened our tent, filled it with 2 inches of water, and bent the poles in half. We duct-taped the poles and limped through the rest of the vacation. For our daughter's graduation, we all agreed that tent-camping was a big no. We decided to stay at a resort. However, COVID hit and everything shut down. We had the choice of Orlando or Los Vegas. Orlando was chosen. Keep in mind that the three young adults are not beach people. We paid $20 in toll booths, drove 1 hour, and paid another $20 in parking. My kids headed to the pier gift shop. I told them to set their feet in the ocean. My girls had never been. They complained about sand in their shoes and getting wet. I