
Showing posts from October, 2023

Getting Caught Unprepared

  Has anyone noticed how random the weather has become? We never know if it'll be rainy, snowy or 100 degrees. It seems that everytime the rain comes, my umbrellas or hooded jackets are in my car in the rain. We got a weather report that cold temperatures were coming this week. I wanted to prepare for the upcoming weather, but I couldn't find my coats anywhere. Well, as the rain poured, I realized all my coats are in the trunk of my car. I stood in the rain, digging through my trunk, and all of my coats were buried under all kinds of junk. I'm not talking about a few boxes and some odds and ends. I'm talking about serious junk. I have a pirate kid's table from work that I use to screen kids. There was a massive can of sweet peas! PEAS! But what took the cake was an open bag of diatomaceous earth. I don't even know the function of diatomaceous earth. I informed my husband that the white powder pouring out over all the contents of my trunk was not mine. He infor

Dream Big, Be Faithful in the Small

  My husband had a great sermon this morning that I felt I need to pass on to you. If you want big things in your life, be faithful in the little things. They matter to God. So how does this work? A parable told by Jesus mentioned a king who had given his servants money to invest. They were given the money to invest any way they saw fit. Two servants were faithful to use the money and gained more. The king was pleased. The third buried it because he was afraid of losing it. He returned what was given, but no more. The king said because he was not faithful in what he was given, even what he had would be taken. Many may know that my dog has cancer. The vet doesn't expect him to live long. Since we are giving "doggy hospice," I've been generous with the dog food. I did away with the kibble and spoiled him with real chicken, since he only had a few days to live. I wanted them to be happy days. However, we did not expect that changing his food perked him up. Although he

An Introvert Takes the Stage

  I had the privilege of being the guest speaker this weekend at a Ladies' retreat at a campground called Rockhaven. What a blessing it was to get away from the chaos of everyday life and sit and listen to God. As an introvert, when I go to public places, I look for all the introvert safe spaces. First, I look for any dogs. Dogs are always safe spots for introverts. I can talk to people I don't know well when I'm not making direct eye contact due to looking at the dog I'm petting. The next spot is a comfy chair on the periferial of a group. It's close enough to listen and look social without having to be social. I look for bathrooms. They are a wonderful introvert escape option if it gets too "peopley." Last, I look for a familiar face that I can cling to so that I'm not surrounded by strangers. Yes, I did have a couple of familiar faces that brought me comfort this weekend! Some may ask that if I'm so uncomfortable in new places, then why do I d

Cleaning ADHD

 My church celebrated its 100th anniversary today. In a society where everything is disposable and short-lived, this is quite the achievement. As we prepared for a big celebration, we knew we would have guests from all over coming in to celebrate with us. So we did what everyone does before you have guests visit. We started cleaning furiously the day before. Why is it that you see a mess or project that needs to be done all year and walk past it, but decide when you're in a crunch to tackle every project? I started with our baptistry, since we were baptizing two people. I thought a quick swipe and I'd be done. Two and a half hours later, with nasal passages thoroughly cleaned by the stench of vinegar to remove built-in line deposits, I was done. Don't get me started on the spiders I fought with nothing but a paint scraper and sheer bravery. I moved on to our fellowship hall. Then I suffered from cleaning ADHD. This is where you start to clean one area, only to realize somet

All Hail the Lorde of the Manor

  My husband and I took our annual trip to a Renaissance fair. We love dressing up and getting into character. As we wandered around, we saw thousands of people taking part. Half dressed up and participated, and half came to observe. At one point, one of the hired staff thanked us for adding to the authenticity by dressing in character. This got me thinking about church. There are the participators that are there whenever the doors are open. They ask what they can do to help. They are in it to add to the kingdom. The other type is the observers. They show up sometimes, but stand back to watch the others. Church becomes an entertainment, not an avenue to express our service to God. But when we are participants, we make the church better. My challenge: get off the people-watching bench and participate! Have a great week high-heeled warriors!