
Showing posts from January, 2024

Had One Of Those Awwk Days?

 In case you haven't noticed, it's rained so much that I thought I might need to trade my car in for a boat. With all the rain, I've found that I adopted a mindset of rushing everywhere. If I needed to go into a building for therapy, I ran. If I needed to go to the office, I ran or walked fast. If not, I was going to be very wet and cold all day. At the end of one of my workdays last week, I continued my speedy journey into the store. I did my shopping and stood at my car ready to open my car door, only to realize I no longer had a key. Keep in mind, my husband and I are notorious for losing keys. That is why it was very unfortunate that I lost that key. There wasn't another to open the car. After wandering the store like a lost puppy searching for my key, I upended my purse in the parking lot. Still nothing. I was now garnering some suspicious looks, probably like I was casing my own car. I figured as I was getting out of the car, I must have missed my pocket. I called

Are You Broken Beyond Repair?

  During a break between all of the snow and ice, my husband and I decided to drive down to my daughter at college. Her car had been breaking down a lot, so we drove down and exchanged cars. My daughter had mentioned that her car had died as she was crossing a train track. She heard a train coming and thought of abandoning her car, but after praying, the car restarted. We headed down to take her car to the shop and give her our car to drive. Knowing her car might break down, I prayed it would make it back to our house.  As we drove it back to our mechanic, it stuttered several times and shut off once, but it restarted. The check engine light had not yet lit.  I told the mechanic that I felt it was showing signs of a crankshaft sensor wearing out. This sensor tells the car how much gas to release to the engine. He told me that crankshaft sensors typically will not restart immediately once they go out. Eventually, the check engine light came on. Once the code was thrown, the mechanic sa

Baby, It's Cold Outside

With the frigid temperatures sweeping across our area, people are doing everything in their power to prepare. First, there's the run to the store to buy milk and bread. That won't protect you from the cold, but it makes you feel like you're taking proper steps. Next, people winterize the outside faucets and pipes by wrapping them. The next step is letting the faucets drip and opening the cabinets to let the warmth near the pipes. It got me thinking about our hearts. With all the cold, we decided to watch The Hunger Games . As I watched people cheering the deaths of their own people, like it was a game, I questioned how people could become so cold that empathy evaporated like a mist. But as we watch the horrors on the news, we can become cold like the movie. We may not cheer on pain, but we can become desensitized simply because it isn't happening to us. So what's the best way to thaw frozen hearts? Wrap them in the warmth of the Creator of love. Open your heart to a

Standing Beside the Fire

  There are two types of people.- those who cheer when snow falls and those who hole themselves up in their homes until Spring comes. I do not like the cold. My husband once joked that he would love to move to Maine or Alaska. We visited Maine. The moment I saw that the barns that held the wood supply were bigger than the houses, I realized I would prefer not to live there. Anywhere that needs that much wood is way too cold. As a child, I would lean against my parent's wood stove to stay warm. When my rear got so warm that I couldn't stand it anymore, I would move away. Then repeat the process. In my current house, our heat is now electric. However, my downstairs can still be a little cold. Last night, my husband went out for something. When he came home, I was standing two inches from my big screen television. His response was, "close enough?" I have an electric fireplace with my television over it. As the temperature dropped outside, I found myself scooting as clos