
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Simple Truth

 I wanted to keep the message simple this Easter. For those who feel alone, you are not. You are loved more than you could ever think or imagine. Jesus loved you so much that as He died on the cross, He thought of you. If you were the only person on this planet, He would still have died for you. You have a choice. You can accept that love and let Him be the center of your life and have a future with Him, or you can reject that love and be separated eternally from Him. At some point, you will make that choice. The question is which one you will choose. I pray you choose the one who gave everything for you. A family member lost a dear friend today. The good news is he made the choice to choose Jesus. He now spends Easter with Jesus celebrating His resurrection. We will all meet Jesus. May you get to stay with Him for eternity. Have a great week high-heeled warriors!

Suspended in Mid-Air

My husband and I decided to take a little break from our busy Spring break. Since my children were little, we have taken long drives. We did this mostly because we could take turns going into stores when our four children were little, and we had no babysitters. We would drive until they all would fall asleep, then we would get a to-go meal and have our car date. Even though our children are grown, we still find ourselves doing car dates. As we hopped in the car and headed for adventure, we visited a little place called Beaver, Arkansas. It is an island that can only be accessed by the oldest suspension bridge in Arkansas, a wooden bridge that moves as your car drives across it. We could feel the wavy movement both going and coming. After we crossed the bridge, my husband told me about a loaded tour bus that made a trek across the bridge. There is a weight limit, and the bus exceeded the weight limit enough that the bridge had to be shut down for inspection after the bus passing. If I h

It's Almost Springish, Maybe? Has Frost Attacked Your Spiritual Fruit?

 When I first started my blog, I wrote about my peach tree in my front yard. It bore one peach the first couple of years, so there was the thought that it was going to be a useless tree that bore no fruit. However, when given time, it ended up bearing several bushels of peaches for multiple years. The fruit was so great that it was weighing down the branches. In the last few years, however, our weather has become rather unpredictable. One moment, it's eighty degrees. Flowers are blooming; trees are blossoming; bees are buzzing. Then you go to sleep and wake up to frost coating everything. By afternoon, you need to turn on the air conditioner. My peach tree has become confused. It blossoms, then the blossoms die due to frost. Because of this, my tree has not produced much fruit., maybe one or two peaches. This year, I wait to see how my tree holds against the crazy weather conditions. Has your spiritual life become like my peach tree? You may be the one that is just starting to b

Will You Be the First?

  Have you ever been at a public event where they give a slow standing ovation? There's that one person who begins the slow clap, others join in as the clapping gains momentum. Eventually, the instigator stands and you now have a decision to make. Do I join in and stand? You may be one of a few singled out among the masses if no one else stands. However, if momentum grows and you've chosen not to stand, you look like a jerk for sitting while everyone else is honoring this special moment. I always feel that moment of dread as I prepare to make that decision. Friday night, I attended a ladies' event at a big church. It was a packed house as women sang and worshipped God. Everyone was excited and praising loudly. What got my attention was when the speaker stood up in front of everyone and began to encourage everyone to step up their worship. She began to sing with fervor. At this point, I felt the collective moment when the congregation needed to make a decision. Follow her or

The Importance of a Good Foundation

  My husband and I have been remodeling our house over the last two years. It wasn't by choice. It was by necessity. My husband and I have been remodeling our house over the last two years. It wasn't by choice. It was by necessity. A few of years ago, a little part in our shower wall broke soaking our house from the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs bathroom. We came home from work to find water pouring through our downstairs light fixture. After bringing in a company to dry the floors, we thought all was fixed.  It was not. There was still water trapped in the subfloor. We also had a run-off issue with our roof, so water was coming under the house. The two met creating a mess of our floor joists. In case you don't know a lot about construction, floor joists hold up your floors. It's kind of important for any house, especially two-story houses. We had the floors ripped out, dug out the dirt from our house, put in lots of footers to hold up the house, and replaced 32 f