
Showing posts from May, 2024

After the Storm-Finding God in the Devastation

  As many have seen, devastating tornados swept across the state last night. As my family and dogs huddled in the hallway, we immediately began to pray for protection for our family and our community. We heard the first round of wind and hail pass over. My daughter called to check on us. She mentioned she felt like her roommate needed to call her family that was staying at a lake house for Memorial day to warn them. Her roommate called and her family took shelter in the basement . After a lot of heavy wind, the quiet fell. Then my son and husband's fire pagers went off. They responded quickly. After twenty minutes, the next wave of winds and hail hit as another tornado went over. At this point, I received a call from my son telling me now would be a good time to pray. He told me a tree fell in front of the two fire engines and a tree behind them, so that they were trapped as the tornado went over them. I asked if there was a safe place they could go, to which he replied the fire tr

Doggy Hospice Continues

  Those close to us know that our Weimaraner of many years has terminal cancer. I've had people ask how he is doing. He is still moving around, cuddling, and consuming all the yummy treats he can in his doggy hospice. You see, eight months ago, we took him to the veterinarian. She told us to prepare because he would only make it a week, three weeks at best. I prayed over my dog because he truly has been a Godsend to me. On the day we had to put our Golden retriever down with cancer, Zeus wandered onto a friend's property after being abandoned by his owner. My husband had always mentioned his dream dog was a Weimaraner, and there was the exact dog the day we lost a pet. My oldest was going off to college, and I was preparing to let my first child fly the nest. My oldest was at his friend's house when we heard about this dog that had been abandoned. We visited the family to check out the dog. My oldest stood next to it in matching brown clothing. Both looked at me with pleadi

Sensational Story

  Have you noticed how the news always goes for sensational headlines to get your attention? Let me tell you a story for Mother's Day with a sensational headlines. Mom Puts Dead Son in Bed and Refuses to Bury Him . In 2nd Kings 4:8-37, Elisha, a prophet of God, is traveling around the town of Shunem, between Samaria and Carmel. A wealthy Shunammite woman made the decision to follow God, so whenever Elisha came into town, she would feed him and put him up for the night. She even gave him his own room and bed in her home. She had no son and her husband was old, so Elisha returned her kindness by blessing her. Having a son gave the woman a future when her husband died, since a woman couldn't work during that time. She conceived and had a son. One day, as her son and husband were working in a field, he mentioned his head hurting. He was taken to his mother where he became lifeless and died. In that time period, a person who died would immediately be prepared for burial, but instea

When Life Gives You Poo

  If you aren't aware, I am a special education teacher for preschoolers . I serve children with special needs in many preschools covering at least three counties, so I see some interesting things. I served one sweety that had a lot of physical limitations. As she was climbing a playground set, I hovered, worrying she would fall. I told her to be careful, or she could fall. She replied and I quote, " I get knocked down but I get up again. You're never gonna get me down!" Yes, she quoted Chumbawamba. It inspired me to keep on going. Not long after that, I played with several students on a playground filled with recycled tire mulch. I chased, ran, and worked on social emotional/ language goals through play. It was a typical day until I got in my car. I smelled the most horrendous smell. I have raised four children, so I quickly recognized the smell- human poo! It has a different smell from animal poo. I drove to the nearest gas station, making sure to touch my foot to