
Showing posts from January, 2022

So Thirsty

  I struggled this week with sinus/respiratory issues. Although it wasn't COVID, it still caused problems. Due to all the drainage in my throat, I have been perpetually thirsty.   At any point, I was drinking three beverages at one time. I drank hot coffee, but the caffeine made me hyper. No one wanted a chattering squirrel in the office. I started branching out into teas. I tried weird tumeric golden tea, peppermint ginger tea, and simple green tea- basically anything that would alleviate the dryness in my throat. I moved on to iced water and the lukewarm water . There was a desperation to quench this thirst. My daughter made sure to let me that I needed to stop saying thirsty so much because it has a different meaning now. I looked it up. According to Oxford language, thirsty means, "feeling a need to drink or having a strong desire for something." That definition covered how I felt. I had a strong desire to fill a need inside me. I thought about a chorus from about tw

Which One Are You?

  There are two types of people- the cold-natured and warm-natured.  I am very much the former while my husband is the latter. It has been an issue our whole marriage because he can never get cool enough, and I struggle to get warm enough. With all the adjusting of the thermostat, we're lucky we haven't created a tornado in our living room. Our poor dog is either shivering or panting. My husband has always said, "You can always put more clothes on but I can't take more off!" So at any time, you may find me curled up on the floor in front of my heater like a lizard on a warming rock. I even bought myself a blanket hoodie. It has been amazing! I may look like someone from Alaska, but I was finally warm enough. However, there has been a crazy phenomenon happening in my house this week. My husband got a sinus infection. This led to a fever. He was shivering. I was suffering from hormonal fluctuations. I had a hot flash like you wouldn't believe. What did that me

Spotting a Fake

  I noticed ads popping up on different social platforms for jewelry from expensive jewelry stores for ridiculously cheap prices. I was thinking, "Who in their right mind would think they could get a 2 karat real diamond ring for $50?" Obviously, people are creating very ligitimate-looking sites with very fake goods. Even though these sites are easy to catch, I sometimes have trouble recognizing counterfeit goods. Is some purse really name brand or a fake? Unless it says "Couch" instead of "Coach", counterfeiters can make fakes look very authentic. So how can you recognize a fake? You can't recognize every fake. When trying to catch counterfeiters in money scams, investigators are trained to study the genuine. When you know everything about the real, the fakes stand out. Some say that God isn't real, and Jesus is a fake. First of all, there has to be a real before imitations exist. Throughout history, we read stories and hear myths that sound simil

Fat Little Baby

  When you look at this picture, there are so many questions. Why being the foremost. As some may know, my husband and I love to help a children's ministry charity called BGMC. This program provides Bible materials to missionaries all over the world. If the boys in our church raise more money, I dress up on a Sunday. If the girls raise more, my husband dresses up. As you can see, the girls won! He dressed up as a fat baby. His sermon was dedicated to Hebrews 5:12-14 where the church is admonished to grow up and stop depending on spiritual milk. It was mentioned that by this time they should doing more than just attending. They should be teaching- digging into God's word for themselves. My challenge for you is that your relationship with God should become more than being spoon-fed the Sunday morning sermon. When you are passionate about something, you want to learn all there is to know about it. My husband loves a show called, Forged   in   the Fire . I know way more than any

New Year's Resolutions- What is Self-Care?

It's a new year, so stores are exchanging Christmas gifts with exercise equipment. This is the point where we all make New Year's resolutions. You know the types of resolutions- diet, exercise like you're going to the Olympics, and never say another negative word again. The problem with this is that we create goals that are impossible to achieve. When we fail ( which we will eventually) we feel like failures and give up until the next year. Here's the question of the day. "What would happen if we just choose to take care of our lives like it was God's house?" I've noticed a word has been flooding the internet- Self-Care. Many interprete the term to mean manicures, an expensive coffee, and frequent vacations away from responsibility. There is nothing wrong with these things, but this is not self- care. The Merriam- Webster's Dictionary defines Self-Care as, "care for oneself." I've helped clean the church for many years, so I have a bi