
Showing posts from May, 2022

Broken- A Good or Bad Thing?

  When I thought about what I would write about today, I had a light post prepared, but this morning I felt I needed to change what I had planned. Not sure who this is for, but here goes... having four children taught me an important lesson. Don't collect expensive things and don't get too attached to things. If it was important, I put it away until my children were older- teenage years are not old enough because there will be at least one physical fight or wrestling match and something broken before they are fully grown. I believe at one point I even complained that everything I owned was broken. It even changed the way I shopped. I started thrifting so that I would not get too upset if things broke. Now that my children are grown and the wrestling stage has passed, I'm struggling to leave the "broken" mindset. As we continue our home renovation, we are beginning to purchase new furniture. My husband laughed at me because I struggled to pay full-price for some b

No Gimmicks- Movie Review of Church People

I don't normally do this, but after watching a movie on Amazon Prime, I wanted to let you know about it. In case you haven't noticed, it is very difficult to find a good movie that is absent of cursing, nudity, a or sexual content. This movie is clean. First, I need to start by saying this movie is a comedy/satire. The premise of the movie is that in the church's zeal for drawing people in, the message became lost in the gimmick. The youth pastor of a mega-church, Guy, has just come off a long book tour disallusioned by how caught up the world has become with attention-grabbing stunts, his lead pastor included. The head usher, played by Steven Baldwin, places timely moments of advice that causes all to evaluate their hearts. As the pastor becomes desperate to draw a crowd on Good Friday by performing a real crucifixion, the youth pastor and the pastor's daughter try to convince the pastor that the simple message that Jesus loved the world so much that He died on the cro

The Final Straw

  Ever heard the phrase, "straw that broke the camel's back or the final straw?" I've heard it often and thought I understood the phrase, but it wasn't until the last few weeks that I gained full understanding of the desperation that bathes this phrase. Many know my house had to be torn to the dirt under the house. Due to water damage that had not been fully dried from a couple of years back, all the floor joists were rotted. My family and I have lived like college students in a dorm room  for months. Ok, one actually was a college student, but I thought that time in my life had passed. Add on all the typical things that happen with your children as they move off. They may be grown up, but they will always be your babies that occupy your mind. Add my husband dealing with some health stuff. Add into the soup of my life, end of the year stuff that accompanies being a teacher. I came to the point where I felt like it was just too much. One tiny thing could send me o

When the Babies Are Grown

   Yes, this huge man is the baby boy of our family! As you can see, physically, I no longer have babies. Mentally, all of my children will be my babies. There is a book called , I'll Love You Forever . As a parent, you can't make it through the book without crying. It follows the relationship of mother and son as the child grows. Toward the end, the older mother is sneaking into her grown son's house to hold him in her arms and sing to him. Spoiler alert- grab a tissue before you read the end! As a mother, you spend so much time raising your children, that you blink and suddenly they are grown. I've told my children they will never be too old for me to hold them. As they become giants compared to me, they may need to hold me, but as long ask I am here, I'll always desire to comfort my children. God is the same. That nurturing spirit came from our Heavenly Father. He placed this trait in mothers' hearts but it came from His heart. He longs to comfort you and hol

Stairway to Heaven

The first thing you need to know is that I don't like heights. It wasn't always this way. As I've grown older, I've learned that I can't even swing on a swing set without feeling dizzy. That is why it was particularly distressing when our staircase was torn out of our two-story house. I'm thankful for the new staircase being built. Our contractor mentioned it was a miracle it hadn't fallen apart thus far. I say there must have been angels holding them up. The distressing part of the weekend was that in order to get forgotten things, it involved climbing an eight foot ladder and swinging my leg over the ladder to pull myself up to the floor. I managed to make the trekk three times. There was one trekk I couldn't take. My very large Weimmeraner had to be left in my bedroom upstairs while I was at work. This would be fine except for the fact that there were no longer stairs and a very large gap from the first floor to the second floor. My contractor manu