
Showing posts from July, 2022

A Cobra, a Grasshopper, and a Pastor Get in a Car

I know, it seems like the set-up for a bad joke! Since school is starting back soon, I have been spending the last few days helping him change classrooms. This involves packing up his possessions and moving them across town to a new building, along with painting his new classroom and prepping for the return of students. We initially enrolled the help of two of my kids until my daughter spotted a grasshopper in the back seat beside her head. At that point, she informed us she was done and quickly exited the car. Our son soon followed, leaving my husband and me to haul the final load for the day- his taxidermy Cobra. As we were driving, I looked into the back seat, only to see the Cobra in one seat and the grasshopper sitting in the other seat as though he were being chauffeured. I guess it's so hot, even the grasshoppers are bumming rides. I thought, "What an eclectic sight we must make." Not a lot of people were driving around with a Cobra in the back seat looking out at

Short Staff (The Power of Your Words)

  My husband's response to this sign was, "if they get taller staff, will they stay open longer?" (Insert groan here) If you gone into public at all, one of the first things you will notice is the 'Help Wanted' signs everywhere. There seems to be a shortage of workers that has begun to affect our daily lives. I won't get into the political points that explain this worker shortage. Instead, I wanted to discuss the power of your word choice. Anyone who knows me understands my love of writing. I struggle with reading without proofing whatever I'm reading. Through writing, I have learned the power of word choice. If I choose a strong word, it allows readers to fully understand exactly what I'm trying to convey. I could say that my husband's shirt was bright. It would leave a lot of room for interpretation. However, if I said my husband's shirt looked like a flock of flamingoes ran away from a zoo and found a place of refuge amongst the jungle of pa

Sniffing Strawberry Shortcake's Hair

 While at a small group meeting for my church, we started reminiscing about a few things from our childhoods. You can learn a lot from some old toys. Here are a few things. 1. Cabbage Patch Kids- It was Christmas time, and all I had asked for was a toy that had caused quite a stir. My parents were financially struggling, so the $50-60 toy was the equivalent of a $200 to them. Unaware of the craziness about to ensue, my mother put a Cabbage Patch Kid on lay-away at Walmart. This is where you pay increments over time. When she made her final payment, riots were taking place across the nation due to shortages. As my mother walked out of the store, she was approached by a woman offering $200 for the toy. She declined. Even though my mother could have payed many bills with the money offered, my happiness on Christmas meant more to her. I learned the depths of my mother's love and treasure that toy. 2. Strawberry Shortcake dolls- as a young child, a special doll became quite popular.

Need a TikTok or Facebook Intervention?

Have you ever found yourself so absorbed in watching mini- videos on TikTok for so long that the day has passed before you know it?  As a teacher, through the year I find myself often working on weekends and evenings writing reports/IEPs. Because of this, summer becomes a welcome respite to catch up on all the things I meant to do but didn't have time to finish. When summer started, I happened to scroll through Facebook when I found the little section with video clips. I was drawn in by the cute little golden retriever walking herself in a leash. Before I knew it, my husband came in asking what we were going to eat for dinner. Now, the summer is more than half-way over, but my list is only partially completed. I can say, however, that annoying TikTok songs and dances have wormed themselves into my head, and yes my money jiggles (if you know what I'm talking about, this is for you.). So how does this happen? I've determined that they lure you in by the cute puppies, goofy

Dating a Stranger

  Meet Jonathon. Some of you may say, "Wait a minute! I thought his name was Kyle?" You would be right. A friend gave Kyle and me a book that gives you all kinds of dating ideas. You scratch off a square, and it tells you what you will be doing on your date. No one has ever said that my husband or I back down from challenges, so we thought, "why not?" My first date asked us to pick out an outfit from a thrift store of three items for our date . We would then give each other fake names that we would use the whole evening while going out in public. As we walked the aisles of the thrift store, we both realized just how hard the challenge was. It was basically asking us how well we knew our date.  What started as a leisurely look through the men's racks became frantic after an hour. My husband is a big man. The kind men (or should I say wives) who donated goods were not large men. The delimma was finding something he could wear in public that actually covered him